What Were 2015's 4 Biggest Backyard Design Trends?

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Jan 7, 2016 7:35:01 AM

Backyard designHave you been wanting to give your backyard a makeover but don't know where to start? Don't sweat it, we can help you out! We see a lot of backyards and can fill you in on all the popular trends, so you can rest assured you won't be missing out on anything!

Backyard Style

Lately, homeowners have been incorporating sustainability and cost effectiveness into every aspect of their lives, and 3 of our 4 most popular trends reflect this shift towrd efficiency:

  1. People grew their own produce. To save money on groceries and a trip to the store, people grew their own produce in their own yards. By growing your own food, you can eliminate the use of pesticides and herbicides, and you’ll know exactly where your food is coming from. It’s a great form of exercise too!
  2. People incorporated drought-tolerant plants. This was a huge deal in dry places, and here in California with the drought. Drought-tolerant plants can thrive in the sun and help you save money on your water bill. If you’re thinking your yard will consist of just cacti, don’t worry, there are plenty of non-prickly drought-tolerant plants out there.
  3. People went with the flow. Again on the cost effective trend, our next design trend was water features. Not gigantic walls of flowing water or extravagant fountains, but self-contained decorative pieces like an urn or stacked pots. These save money and water, but they also add a touch of style and design.
  4. People installed outdoor living rooms and kitchens. Yes, you read that right, and no, this is not a self promoted add-in. With new outdoor fabric made from acrylic fibers, more people are wanting more outdoor living spaces and kitchens. This fabric is fade resistant and waterproof making outdoor furniture a well spent investment.

Obviously there were more trends out there: fire pits, lighting, native plants, etc. We just wanted to give a little insight on to what options you have and what has been popular recently. To learn more, give us a call at (888) 747-4554 or contact us online today!

Enjoy your backyard again. Request a free design estimate.

Topics: Backyard Trends