Holiday Recipes That Won't Pack on the Pounds

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Dec 20, 2018 8:09:00 AM

Christmas foodsThere's no getting around it. This time of year is the season for sweets. From sugar cookies to eggnog, it seems like everything we put in our mouths from Thanksgiving to New Years is packed with sugar, carbs and fat. 

This sugar overload presents a major challenge for those who are trying to lose weight, or at the very least, maintain the weight they're at. But who wants to fill up on celery sticks while everyone else is indulging in cheese boards and chocolate-covered Oreos? Not us!

That's why we found some delicious holiday recipes that are a lot healthier and just as tasty as the traditional options. We're confident that when you taste these recipes, you won't even miss the calories!

Christmas Frozen Yogurt Bark

With just four ingredients, you can make a delectable Christmas Frozen Yogurt Bark that's sure to satisfy your sweet tooth with hardly any sugar (other than the natural kind). Two cups of Greek yogurt, three kiwis, five strawberries, and one tablespoon of dried cranberries makes 18 squares of yogurt bark. Yum!

Grinch Kabobs

If you need to throw together an appetizer that's as cute as it is quick, Grinch Kabobs are the way to go. Who knew that the combination of a green grape, banana slice, strawberry and mini marshmallow could make such an adorable snack!

While you may be avoiding chocolatey treats, others will enjoy dipping their Grinch Kabobs in chocolate sauce, so the extra side option is worth offering.

Cinnamon Baked Apple Chips

All you need for crunchy Cinnamon Baked Apple Chips is apples and cinnamon! First slice the apples thinly, removing any seeds before sprinkling them with cinnamon. Then, spread the cinnamon-coated apples on a sheet pan and bake them in a 200-degree oven for one hour. Flip the apples and then bake them for another hour. Once the apple chips cool, they're ready for munching!

Snowman Smoothies

With a charming Snowman Smoothie, you won't even miss having eggnog this Christmas. Here's what you need to whip one up:

  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1/8 cup oats
  • 1/8 cup desiccated coconut
  • a few drops of vanilla extract
  • maple syrup or honey to taste

Snacking where you are

Whether you're enjoying these tasty treats in your outdoor kitchen or taking them to a Christmas party hosted in someone else's outdoor living space, we're sure they'll be a hit. In fact, you might want to make extras and leave them at home so you have something left over for your own personal afterparty.

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Topics: Cooking Tips