Herbs You Should Grow in Your Outdoor Kitchen

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Mar 21, 2019 8:03:00 AM

Grilled Corn with HerbsIf you have an outdoor kitchen, then you probably think that cooking is fun. You also likely believe that cooking outdoors is really fun. However, we'd like to argue that you haven't had enough fun cooking outdoors until you've cooked outside with herbs that you grew yourself.

Now, that's fun.

What herbs should you use? We're SO glad you asked! There are countless delicious herbs out there worthy of your tastebuds, but there are a few that are ideal for the types of foods you'll be preparing in your outdoor kitchen.


Basil is great no matter what, but if you have a pizza oven in your outdoor kitchen, basil is a necessity. Imagine the Margherita pizzas you could have!

Did you know that basil...

  • Is believed to have healing properties? It's long been recommended for snake bites and is also found in Egyptian mummies.
  • Lasts longer if you remove the flowers.
  • Exists in 50+ varieties, but sweet basil is the most common.

Thyme and Rosemary

While thyme and rosemary are two completely separate plants, we think it's smart to grow both because most recipes that use one also include the other. These herbs along with basil are also common additions to gin drinks and other cocktails

Did you know that thyme and rosemary...

  • Have a long list of healing properties.
  • Shouldn't necessarily be substituted for one another. You can safely use thyme as a substitute for rosemary, but not the other way around. Rosemary is much stronger and has a more particular flavor profile than thyme. Thyme, on the other hand, gently blends with other flavors.


Unless you're among those who believe cilantro tastes like soap, we highly recommend growing this plant! Fresh cilantro will really spice up your taco, salsa, or guac. Don't look for a cilantro seed to plant, though. Cilantro is actually part of the coriander plant.

Did you know that cilantro...

  • Is a relative of the parsley plant and is sometimes called Chinese parsley. (And you thought it was just for Mexican food!)
  • Has antioxidant properties that allow it to keep food from spoiling as quickly.
  • Can be used externally to ease joint pain.


Parsley isn't just a garnish; it's actually the perfect addition to dishes that contain a combination of foods because parsley has a unique bitterness that balances flavors while also enhancing them.

Did you know that parsley...

  • Will grow year round in milder climates like California.
  • Helps with digestion.
  • Is rich in Vitamins A and C.


As a member of the garlic and onion families, chives add exquisite flavor to food and also enhance its appearance with a touch of elegance.

Did you know that chives...

  • Originated in Asia, but are considered to be a "fine herb" in France.
  • Grow like weeds! You will need to separate clusters of them periodically so that they do not take over your garden.
  • Have purple flowers.

Taste the freshness!

Whether or not you supposedly "have a green thumb," you almost certainly can grow the herbs we mentioned in this blog. Try one at a time, and see how it goes. We think you'll be surprised at how easy it is, and we're sure you'll really be hooked once you taste the difference in your food!

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