3 Things to Do for the Dad with an Outdoor Kitchen Father's Day

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Jun 13, 2019 8:01:00 AM

Father and son in outdoor kitchenDads are hard to buy for.

Great... you're thinking. Now tell me something I don't know.

Okay, we will! Buying dad a Father's Day present is not the only way to celebrate him this weekend. In fact, a lot of dads don't necessarily even like gifts, or else they don't need them. They have enough tie clips and personalized coffee mugs to last them a lifetime. We're here to help you think a little more creatively, and yes, practically this Father's Day. 

Do something for dad!

Instead of buying something for dad, consider doing something for him. It's unlikely that he'll ever ask, but we guarantee dad would appreciate a little help with his outdoor kitchen maintenance and backyard upkeep, especially this time of year! It's mid-June, and summertime gets busy. So, help a man out! It's Father's Day, after all. 

Wondering where to start? Here are some suggestions...

Clean the grill

Your dad probably does the basics of caring for his grill. He likely scrapes the grates after each use and puts the cover back on, but there's more involved in properly caring for a grill than just scraping and covering. Follow these instructions on how to clean the grill in an outdoor kitchen, and see how pleased your dad is with the final result.

Be sure to also check how much propane is left in the grill tank, and if you really want to make dad smile, pick up a fresh tank so he'll be set for the summer.  

Call a chimney sweep

If your dad has a fireplace in his outdoor kitchen, take the proactive step of calling a chimney sweep. Picking up the phone is easy, but for some reason, it seems to be the biggest hangup (yup, that was a dad joke, and we're not apologizing for it).

While you're addressing the fireplace, you may also want to help dad with some basic fireplace maintenance

Mow the lawn

If your dad has an outdoor kitchen, then he's probably the outdoor type who takes great pride in a well-maintained yard. Surprise him by giving the grass a good cut just in time for Father's Day weekend! 

Make dad dinner

Is your dad the one who's always manning the grill and making dinner for everyone else? Surprise him by providing the food and cooking the feast this time! 

Be careful, though. You don't want your cooking to make dad wish he was the one making dinner. Do your homework and check out these blog articles with pro tips for cooking outdoors:

Tips for Steak and BBQ

Burgers & BBQ


When you're finished, make sure you don't leave dad with a mess. Clean the grill grates and leave his outdoor kitchen better than you found it!

Got Kitchen Envy?

Just incase spending some extra time in your dad's outdoor kitchen leaves you with a little outdoor kitchen envy or grill envy or whatever, remember that Unlimited Outdoor Kitchen is here to help you out! Contact us today, and let's chat about what we can do for your backyard.

Enjoy your backyard again. Request a free design estimate. 

Topics: Outdoor Lifestyle