7 Holiday Traditions to Start in Your Family's Outdoor Living Space

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Dec 13, 2018 7:59:00 AM

Outdoor fireplaceYour outdoor kitchen isn't just a gathering place for summer barbecues. and football parties. It can also be the perfect place to start some great family traditions. 

In addition to the obvious Christmas festivities like putting up a tree and hanging stockings above the fireplace, we have some other holiday-inspired ideas that you can try in your very own outdoor living area. Pick your favorites and make them traditions for your family for years to come!

Skillet sugar cookies

What's more fun than baking sugar cookies? How about grilling them! With a skillet sugar cookie, you can either toss it on the grill or roast it over the fire pit. Either way, cooking the cookie suddenly becomes just as much fun as decorating it!

For an extra fun holiday memory, decorate the cookie together as a family and then let everyone dig into the skillet at once until the cookie is gone.

Hot cocoa and s'more bar

If you already have a fire pit, then s'mores and hot cocoa are a must. Plus, these outdoor treats will go nicely with the skillet sugar cookie you're already planning to make. After all, if Christmas isn't the time to load up on sugar, then what time is?

Get creative with your s'mores bar by offering everything from shortbread cookies to caramel drizzle. And here are some ideas to get you started on your hot chocolate bar:

  • Marshmallows (mini, regular, and any other fun flavors your family might like)
  • Candy canes
  • Whipped cream
  • Chocolate chips
  • Cookies for dipping
  • Cinnamon and/or cayenne pepper (for those who like a little spice)
  • Lighter (to toast the marshmallows you put in your mug)

Camp out

What better way to finish off an evening of grilling sugar cookies, roasting marshmallows, and drinking hot chocolate than to have a campout under the Christmas tree? (Or next to it, rather). If you have a fireplace in your outdoor living area, that's even better! If not, just make sure everyone is bundled up warmly in their Christmas pajamas and cozy socks.

Make a meal and take it to a family in need

We all need to be reminded that Christmas is the season for giving. A great way to do that is to prepare a meal for a family in need. Get everyone involved in the meal planning and preparation. Once you've grilled the steaks or smoked the ham, deliver the meal to the family you've chosen to bless. Talk about spreading joy! 

Host a holiday party

Choose a day in December that works with your family's typical holiday schedule and throw an annual Christmas party. Maybe it's the third Friday in December, or maybe it's Christmas Eve. Most people enjoy a good holiday party that they can count on attending every year, and your outdoor kitchen offers a lovely backdrop.  

Campfire cinnamon rolls Christmas morning

Many families have a go-to Christmas morning breakfast, but one of our favorite ideas is roasting cinnamon rolls over the fire! That beats any egg bake or coffee cake, if you ask us. We can't promise that your kids will be more excited about breakfast than they are about opening presents, but we are fairly confident that they'll savor the cinnamon roll roasting tradition.

Pick a country and make a food

As Americans, we love our sugar cookies and peanut blossoms and candy canes, and most of us drink more than our share of hot chocolate and eggnog because these are the things we're only able to enjoy a few months out of the year. But sometimes it's fun to research other countries and experience the foods they love.

Make it a tradition for your family to choose a different country each year and make a food from that country. You can make this tradition as simple or as involved as you like. You may choose to make one dessert each year, or you may decide to prepare an entire three-course meal and study the country's history and culture while you're at it. There's no wrong way to do this tradition. Either way, it's educational and fun!

From our family to yours...

We hope this article has inspired you with some great ways to enjoy your outdoor kitchen this Christmas and throughout the holiday season. From our backyard kitchen to yours, we're wishing you a very Merry Christmas!

Outdoor kitchen grills

Topics: Outdoor Lifestyle