Landscaping Around Your Outdoor Kitchen

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Apr 5, 2018 7:26:17 AM

Outdoor kitchen landscapingOnce you have your beautiful outdoor kitchen installed and ready for the next outdoor celebration, you might be wondering what else you can do to upgrade your backyard. Perhaps you just have a bland patch of lawn to work with and you’re looking for ways to provide more character.

Here are a few ideas for your next backyard project, from the simplest to most complex:

Climbing vines

If your outdoor kitchen includes a pergola, you can add a little more character to the support beams with morning glories, jasmine, or other height-loving vines. They can add a bit of natural whimsy, and it’s fun to watch their progress through the season.

Do your research before planting, however. Some types of ivy can damage wood over time, while some fruit vines can attract wasps and other unwelcome guests for your next cookout.

Container gardening

Outdoor kitchen container gardeningWant to try your hand at gardening without having to plow up a large section of your yard? A few well-placed planters can bring life and color to a large patio—no deep digging required. You can combine plants of different heights and textures together in the same container (do a little research on which species play nicely together).

Love to vary things up? Containers can easily be moved around, and it’s not difficult to replace plants with the changing seasons (or even add holiday touches such as pumpkins and pine boughs.)

Read more tips for outdoor kitchen container gardens.

A small sitting area

Perhaps you just want a quiet place to sit and read a book, or you want to offer your guests a relaxing place to socialize while they eat and drink. Consider installing a pergola or another source of shade with a bench or a few Adirondack chairs. You can plant flowers or tall grasses around it for a bit of added beauty.

Or maybe you’d like to create a gathering spot centered around a sturdy fire pit or outdoor fireplace. This will allow you to extend your entertainment season to fall and winter, as well.

Learn more about outdoor kitchen seating options.

Garden bed or rock garden

If you’ve got a bland stretch along a fence or corner of your yard that could use a little pizzazz, consider creating visual interest by planting a flower bed or row of shrubs. Adding something extra besides a uniform lawn can actually make a small yard look bigger, and growing your own veggies or herbs can be a rewarding pastime.

If you want something with less maintenance, or you have a bad track record for keeping plants alive, consider a decorative (and water-efficient) rock garden to serve the same purpose.

Paths, bricks, and other hardscaping

For the visionary and/or the DIY enthusiast who’s itching for a project, you may want to give your backyard a full makeover. You can install stone or gravel pathways, decorative ponds or fountains, gazebos, patio or deck areas, raised garden beds, or even brick retaining walls and stairways to maximize usefulness of a sloped yard.

A strict structure can really maximize the use of a small urban space, and it gives guests plenty of places to explore and spread out during a cookout.

Consider adding solar or electric lights along pathways to extend socializing even after sunset.


Still dreaming of a perfect grill, barbecue island, or full outdoor kitchen setup to go with your backyard landscaping? Whether you have a general idea sketched on the back of a napkin or a fully detailed plan, the experts at Unlimited Outdoor Kitchen can make it happen. Contact us for a free estimate!

Enjoy your backyard again. Request a free design estimate.

Topics: Outdoor Lifestyle