How to Design an Outdoor Kitchen That's Ready for Hosting Rain or Shine

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Sep 19, 2019 8:00:00 AM

liv-bruce-8yt8kBuEqok-unsplashThere's nothing more frustrating than planning a backyard barbecue in your outdoor kitchen only to have it rained out. Either you end up taking the party inside or cancelling it completely. Both scenarios are less than ideal because no venue can really compare to an outdoor kitchen.

So, if you want to ensure that the rain never hinders your plans for hosting a party in your outdoor kitchen, you should consider designing an outdoor kitchen that's weatherproof and protects your guests from the rain. 

What if your outdoor party didn't need a Plan B every time it rained?

With the right design for your outdoor kitchen, you can easily entertain guests regardless of what the weather is doing.


Rule number one for an outdoor kitchen that's party-ready in the rain is a pergola, specifically a waterproof pergola. Pergolas offer a variety of benefits, but not all pergolas provide full coverage from the rain. Some are designed for aesthetic appeal, such as a trellis that's built for climbing plants or rose bushes. Other styles of pergolas may appear to keep rain out, but in reality they're simply intended to offer shade. Under the wrong pergola, a little rain would quickly soak you and your guests. 

It's important to describe your intentions for using a pergola with your outdoor kitchen designer. This will help you choose the right materials, style, and design that works for those outdoor parties you're planning—rain or shine!

Retractable Awning

Regardless of how annoying it is to get rained out of your own party, most homeowners do not want a pergola to cover their entire outdoor living space. They want the option to enjoy the direct sunlight if they choose. After all, that's the whole point of being outside, isn't it?

The problem happens when you're hosting a party in the rain, and everyone doesn't comfortably fit beneath the pergola. That's when you'll wish you'd designed a pergola to cover your entire patio.

There is another option, though—one that allows you to enjoy the sun when you want and also protects you from the rain when necessary. It's a retractable awning. Work with an outdoor kitchen designer to incorporate a retractable awning into your backyard patio. There are numerous ways to do it, but you'll want to run your ideas by a professional kitchen builder to ensure that they're functional.

Square Footage

Another important design factor for an outdoor kitchen that's rainproof is square footage. What good is a pergola and retractable awning combo if it's covering a kitchen that's too small to hold all of your guests?

A kitchen design professional will be able to look at your backyard and determine what size is possible, and then you can have a conversation about what types of parties you anticipate hosting and how many guests you want to be able to entertain. We've been doing outdoor kitchen designs long enough that we're able to understand your vision for your outdoor kitchen, and in turn provide concrete recommendations for design and layout.

Let's build your rain-ready outdoor kitchen!

Ready to get started on your outdoor kitchen construction? Well, first things first—let's start with a consultation and a quote. Click on the banner below to contact us and kick things off!

Enjoy your backyard again. Request a free design estimate.

Topics: Pergolas, Outdoor kitchen design