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30 Meals to Help You Maintain Your New Years Resolutions (for at least another month)

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Jan 17, 2019 8:00:00 AM

It's about that time when people start giving up on their new year's resolutions to cook healthier and eat better. If you're one of those people who are falling off the bandwagon, we're here to help you hold on for at least one more month! 

We have some incredible recipes for every day of the week. Try them out!

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Topics: Cooking Tips

6 Sins of Grilling a Steak

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Jan 10, 2019 8:00:00 AM

If you think that the perfect steak is determined solely by the precision of grill marks, there's a strong possibility that you may be falling into one of the 6 sins of grilling steaks. 

There are certainly many different ways to prepare a delicious steak, but there are several foundational rules that should be followed every time you grill.

Unfortunately, the outdoor kitchen owners and grillers who are not aware of these "rules" end up committing some serious steak sins. Let's look at those 6 sins so that you can avoid them the next time you're tempted to grill. 

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Topics: Cooking Tips

Your Outdoor Kitchen Cleaning Checklist

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Jan 3, 2019 8:01:00 AM

We understand if cleaning is not your favorite part of having an outdoor kitchen. However, it is a necessary part. Usually, having a plan for a project makes it less daunting, which is why we've put together a checklist for cleaning your outdoor kitchen.

Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the idea of keeping your outdoor kitchen spotless, just take it one piece of equipment at a time, and give yourself a pat on the back for tackling a project many people avoid. 

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Topics: Outdoor Lifestyle, Kitchens

Outdoor Kitchen Design Trends for 2019

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Dec 27, 2018 8:00:00 AM

The rapid approach of a new year always seems to inspire us and spur us toward new endeavors — perhaps an endeavor like designing an outdoor kitchen or breathing new life into the one you already have. Either way, 2019 is opening the door to new trends that could influence a whole new backyard paradise for your home.

Keep reading to find out what design trends are on the cusp of the coming year and discover how you can incorporate them into your lifestyle.

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Topics: Outdoor kitchen design

Holiday Recipes That Won't Pack on the Pounds

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Dec 20, 2018 8:09:00 AM

There's no getting around it. This time of year is the season for sweets. From sugar cookies to eggnog, it seems like everything we put in our mouths from Thanksgiving to New Years is packed with sugar, carbs and fat. 

This sugar overload presents a major challenge for those who are trying to lose weight, or at the very least, maintain the weight they're at. But who wants to fill up on celery sticks while everyone else is indulging in cheese boards and chocolate-covered Oreos? Not us!

That's why we found some delicious holiday recipes that are a lot healthier and just as tasty as the traditional options. We're confident that when you taste these recipes, you won't even miss the calories!

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Topics: Cooking Tips

7 Holiday Traditions to Start in Your Family's Outdoor Living Space

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Dec 13, 2018 7:59:00 AM

Your outdoor kitchen isn't just a gathering place for summer barbecues. and football parties. It can also be the perfect place to start some great family traditions. 

In addition to the obvious Christmas festivities like putting up a tree and hanging stockings above the fireplace, we have some other holiday-inspired ideas that you can try in your very own outdoor living area. Pick your favorites and make them traditions for your family for years to come!

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Topics: Outdoor Lifestyle

4 Things You and Your Outdoor Kitchen Do NOT Need

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Dec 6, 2018 11:37:30 AM

This is the time of year when we talk a lot about all of the things we have on our lists. If an outdoor kitchen is on your Christmas list, we think we can help to simplify it by removing a few "extras" you may have thought you needed. 

Simplify your Christmas list (and get a better outdoor kitchen as a result) when you avoid four non-essentials that are often wrapped up like necessities.

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Topics: Kitchens

Things We're Thankful for at Unlimited Outdoor Kitchen

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Nov 22, 2018 8:24:00 AM

Another Thanksgiving marks another year of blessings, growth, and gratitude! While we're usually quick to bask in our blessings, it seems to take a holiday like Thanksgiving for us to actually count them.

Today we're doing just that — because at Unlimited Outdoor Kitchen, we have a lot to be thankful for, and we wanted to share a few of the blessings that top our list.

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Topics: Insider, Outdoor Lifestyle

3 Ways to Cook a Turkey in Your Outdoor Kitchen

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Nov 15, 2018 8:00:00 AM

While popping a turkey in the oven or dropping it in a crockpot may be two of the most obvious and traditional ways to prepare Thanksgiving dinner, they are certainly not the only ways.

There are many ways to cook a turkey that don't require a conventional oven or crockpot, and if you have an outdoor kitchen, these additional cooking options are literally in your backyard.

Let's look at three...

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Topics: Cooking Tips

Grilled Desserts That Always Hit the Spot

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Nov 8, 2018 8:08:33 AM

For most of us, when we think of desserts and treats over an open flame, s'mores are likely the first that come to mind. There are good reasons why s'mores are such a popular classic, but what about when you're grilling out instead of sitting around the fire pit? You can still enjoy some incredibly tasty sweets on the grill.

Here are some of our favorites...

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Topics: Cooking Tips