It's bound to happen this summer if it hasn't already. You'll be sitting in your outdoor kitchen after a long day and a relaxing dinner, and then you'll look up at the sky. You can't help but notice how bright the stars are. You remark on their brightness and their beauty, but your astronomy knowledge is limited enough that you don't have much more to say after that. So instead, you start to look for Orion, but you can't find him. A few moments later, you decide to be content with at least spotting the Little Dipper.
Stars are fascinating, and there is a plethora of science and mythology associated with them. The more you know, the more interesting the sky becomes — and less confusing. For example, if you had known that Orion wasn't visible this time of year, then you wouldn't have been so disappointed with yourself for not being able to see him. Additionally, if you knew just a little bit more about astronomy, you might have been able to enjoy the night sky more fully.
Let's dive into some fascinating facts about summer constellations so that you can truly appreciate the galaxy from your outdoor kitchen.