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8 Must-Have Grill Gadgets for Father's Day 2018

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Jun 14, 2018 8:00:00 AM

Picking out the perfect Father's Day gift is both an art and a science. The gift needs elements of both form and function, should be from the heart without necessarily being sappy, and needs to speak to his personality while also helping him be the best man he can be (no pressure or anything).

So when another specialty-themed tie or "Kiss the Cook" apron just won't do, where do you turn? With a few shopping days to go, we've got 8 ideas for the charcoal-loving, burger-flipping grillmaster in your life:

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Topics: Grills

Lighten Up with These Healthy (and Delicious) Outdoor Pizza Ideas

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Jun 8, 2018 6:59:01 AM

If you’re looking to eat healthier this summer but still want to make use of your outdoor pizza oven, fear not—you can still enjoy hot, satisfying pizzas with a whole lot less fat, salt, carbs, and calories.

The good news is healthy doesn’t mean bland. In fact, some of the most flavorful pizzas you’ll ever create can be good for you, thanks to lean and healthy ingredients that also offer bold flavor profiles.

Here are a few ways to lighten up your backyard oven pizzas without sacrificing taste:

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Topics: Cooking Tips

Fresh Flavor Ideas for the All-American Hamburger

Posted by Michael Dougherty on May 24, 2018 7:17:00 AM

It’s no secret that Americans love their hamburgers—especially if it’s grilled to perfection outdoors. If you’re planning a big Memorial Day celebration, or just want to wow the crowd at your next cookout, try varying up your burger recipe with some of these ideas.

First things first: use high-quality beef (grass-fed often tastes better) and follow these steps to making and grilling the perfect burger.

Burger patty add-ins

A few extras added into quality ground beef can go a long way in enhancing the burger’s flavor. Here are a few things you can add in when forming your patties.

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Topics: Cooking Tips

How to Use a Ceramic Kamado Grill

Posted by Michael Dougherty on May 17, 2018 7:05:00 AM

You may have seen one of those unusual ceramic grills at a friend’s house—the kind that looks like a little spaceship or a giant egg on a tripod. (One brand name is even called the Big Green Egg.)

This backyard appliance is called a kamado grill, and it can function as a grill, smoker, and pizza oven all in one. It’s slightly different to work with than your typical grill, but the results can be amazing.

If you’re thinking about adding a kamado to your outdoor kitchen, here’s a general overview of what it can do.

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Topics: Grills

Plan a Leisurely Brunch in Your Outdoor Kitchen

Posted by Michael Dougherty on May 10, 2018 8:15:00 AM

If you have a custom outdoor kitchen in your backyard, we know you’ll want to make the most of it all season long. If you’re planning something for mom this Mother’s Day, or just want to kick back on a lazy weekend morning, why not host a springtime brunch in your outdoor living area?

You can enjoy the slightly cooler weather and cook before the heat of the day sets in, plus experiment with new culinary options.

Here are a few ideas for hosting brunch in your outdoor kitchen:

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Topics: Cooking Tips

Kid-Friendly Outdoor Party Ideas

Posted by Michael Dougherty on May 3, 2018 7:32:16 AM

An outdoor living area is a great place to gather the whole family. For some of us, that means lots of kids around—our nieces, nephews, grandkids, best friends’ babies, and maybe even our own children!

You’ll want to keep the little ones entertained, and it would be great if that entertainment included the fresh air and not their electronic devices. But you probably want to enjoy some adult time as well, so you’re not committed to a full-on children’s party with bouncy houses and entertainers.

Fortunately, you can host a gathering that appeals to everyone in the family—the kids have fun activities to do, and the adults can watch while still having a chance to catch up and chat. Here are a few simple ideas for low-key outdoor entertainment that’s engaging for the children in your life:

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Topics: Outdoor Lifestyle

Celebrate Cinco de Mayo in Your Outdoor Kitchen

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Apr 26, 2018 6:41:31 AM

Across the country, Americans will soon be celebrating Cinco de Mayo—Mexico’s independence day—whether they have Mexican heritage or not. If you’re looking to tip your hat to our southern neighbors but don’t look forward to crowded restaurants, relax—you can host a great May 5th party in your own backyard kitchen!

Since most celebrations center around delicious food, you’re well equipped to create spicy and satisfying dishes if you have a grill and a bit of outdoor counter space. Here’s how to cook up some beloved Mexican fare:

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Desserts You Can Make in Your Outdoor Kitchen

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Apr 18, 2018 10:28:15 AM

In previous posts, we’ve covered s’mores and other treats you can make over an open fire. Your outdoor fire place or fire pit isn’t the only part of your outdoor kitchen capable of making delicious treats!

Here’s a beginner’s guide to preparing desserts in your outdoor kitchen:

Desserts on the grill

Let’s start with the simplest option: grilling whole or sliced fruit, which can bring out a number of complex caramel flavors. Serve grilled fruit warm with a side of vanilla ice cream for an irresistible treat. Here are some easy recipes to get started on:

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Topics: Cooking Tips

Selecting the Right Finish for Your Outdoor Kitchen

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Apr 12, 2018 11:52:47 AM

In previous posts, we’ve covered how to choose the right appliances for your outdoor kitchen and the pros and cons of different countertop surfaces. This week we’re going to look at another aspect of outdoor kitchen design: the finish you choose for the other surfaces of your kitchen.

Below is a list of popular finishes for your kitchen’s façade and backsplash, with some notes about caring for each:


Stucco—a textured application of cement plaster—is a durable, heat-resistant finish that won’t mold, making it ideal for outdoor kitchens. It’s attractive (and a bit understated), lasts for decades, and is relatively low-cost. If your home already has a stucco façade, applying the same to your outdoor kitchen can create a pleasing, seamless transition from indoor to outdoor living areas.

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Topics: Kitchens

Landscaping Around Your Outdoor Kitchen

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Apr 5, 2018 7:26:17 AM

Once you have your beautiful outdoor kitchen installed and ready for the next outdoor celebration, you might be wondering what else you can do to upgrade your backyard. Perhaps you just have a bland patch of lawn to work with and you’re looking for ways to provide more character.

Here are a few ideas for your next backyard project, from the simplest to most complex:

Climbing vines

If your outdoor kitchen includes a pergola, you can add a little more character to the support beams with morning glories, jasmine, or other height-loving vines. They can add a bit of natural whimsy, and it’s fun to watch their progress through the season.

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Topics: Outdoor Lifestyle