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Seating Ideas for Your Outdoor Kitchen

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Mar 29, 2018 6:26:02 AM

Once you have your dream outdoor kitchen designed and built in your backyard, and have perfected your outdoor cooking skills, it’s time to get your family and friends in on the action.

One of the first logistical issues you’ll face, after figuring out the menu, is to determine where everyone will sit. Some outdoor kitchen owners like to cook outside and just bring the food in to the dining room—but we’re of the opinion that everyone will want to enjoy San Jose’s beautiful weather as they eat.

Here are some outdoor seating options for your backyard kitchen.

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Topics: Outdoor Lifestyle

Best Practices for Caring for a Gas Fire Pit

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Mar 22, 2018 11:06:26 AM

In a previous post, we covered cleaning and maintenance for a backyard fire pit—but much of the emphasis was on cleaning up the ash and residue left from wood fires.

If you have a fire pit that’s fueled by natural gas or propane, maintenance is already a lot easier since you don’t have to deal with the same amount of clean-up. There are still a few key things you can do to keep your fire pit (or fire table) in great working order for years to come.

Here are a few best practices to make into a habit:

Never burn anything besides gas

Don’t let children throw paper, leaves, or other foreign objects into the flames. These could quickly flare up and escape into your yard or toward your house. Also, don’t add anything to your fire pit (such as fire glass) unless it is recommended by your contractor or the manufacturer.

Cooking in your gas fire place is not likely a safe activity, unless the manufacturer specified that your unit is designed to do such.

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Topics: Fire Pits, Fire Tables, & Fireplaces

Deciding on a Custom Pergola Style

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Mar 15, 2018 1:26:56 PM

So you’ve decided that your backyard just won’t be complete without a custom pergola. Perhaps you’re most interested in the comfortable shade it can provide as you cook and entertain outdoors, or you love the visual interest it will provide for your landscape.

You’ve also decided that a pre-fabricated model just isn’t for you, and that you want something customized for your yard—or integrated into a new outdoor kitchen. Maybe you’re planning to do a full DIY job, or maybe you’d like to get a professional to help you design, build, and/or install it.

In a previous post, we discussed the materials for building a pergola, and the pros and cons of each. In most cases, wooden pergolas will give you the most flexibility for creating your own design.

Here are a few ideas for where you might go from here:

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Topics: Pergolas

Can I Put a Fire Pit on My Deck?

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Mar 2, 2018 8:03:23 AM

In a previous post, we answered the question Can I put an outdoor kitchen on my deck? The answer to that was basically maybe, depending on your deck!

This week we’ll be looking at whether you can safely install a fire pit on your deck.

We’re going to say at the outset that it’s much better to have your fire pit solidly situated on the ground or on a cement patio. But we understand that in especially small backyards, you may not have many options. So is it OK to place a fire pit on a deck if that’s your only choice?

Let’s take a look at the factors to consider before installing a fire pit on your deck:

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Topics: Fire Pits, Fire Tables, & Fireplaces

Mix Up Your Grill Game with These Tasty Alternative Burgers

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Feb 22, 2018 7:39:33 AM

Here at Unlimited Outdoor Kitchen, we’re big fans of the perfectly grilled beef hamburger. But if you or one of your cookout guests is trying to avoid red meat, don’t despair—there are plenty of other tasty burger options for you to grill up!

We’re going to skip the obvious swaps like store-bought turkey or veggie burgers (which can be plenty delicious on their own), and offer some more creative, homemade options.  

Even if you’re still solidly on Team Beef, you’ll want give these alternative burgers a try, just to spice things up a bit!

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Topics: Cooking Tips

What Material Should I Use for My Backyard Pergola?

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Feb 15, 2018 11:09:28 AM

A backyard pergola can be a great addition to your backyard, beautifying your landscape and creating a small oasis for relaxing that’s protected from the sun and rain.

If you’re still brainstorming about the kind of pergola that will be perfect for your yard, one of the decisions you’ll have to make early on is the material it will be constructed out of.

The most common building materials for pergolas are wood, metal (such as steel or aluminum), or an artificial substance such as vinyl or fiberglass.

If you’re still undecided on which route to take, consider the following aspects of each:

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Topics: Pergolas

Modern Outdoor Kitchen Design

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Feb 8, 2018 6:16:49 AM

One of the biggest backyard trends since the 2000s has been an emphasis on outdoor living. Sure, people have had backyard grills for decades, but since the turn of the millennium—and especially during the 2010s—that simple outdoor setup has gotten a lot more polished and comfortable.

Today’s outdoor kitchens look a lot different than even those from five or six years ago. Some aspects are just smart design basics—such as having enough counter space, and grouping appliances into distinct “Zones” for ease of use. But we’re also seeing some trends gain steam over the years.

Here are some of the most significant elements of modern outdoor kitchen design:

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How Much Counter Space Do I Need for an Outdoor Kitchen?

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Feb 1, 2018 7:28:25 AM

Your outdoor kitchen’s countertop is one of the first things people will notice about your new outdoor living setup. But unlike measuring for a new grill or outdoor sink, determining exactly how much counter space you’ll need isn’t always straightforward.

When you’re in the design stages of your outdoor kitchen, there are a few factors to consider when planning the amount of counter space you’ll need:

How much prep do I want to do outside?

Ask yourself honestly—do you plan to chop vegetables, prepare marinades, trim fat from meat, and arrange items on plates outside during sunny or chilly days? Or are you more likely to do the prep work inside, and just bring things out and set them down when they’re ready to grill?

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Topics: Kitchens, Outdoor kitchen design

How to Create Marinades for Grilled Steaks

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Jan 24, 2018 11:34:01 AM

Here on the Unlimited Outdoor Kitchen blog, we’ve already covered how to find the perfect cut of steak and then grilling it to its perfect temperature and doneness.

What about creating the perfect marinade?

No doubt about it, steak tastes fantastic on its own. Still, if you’re looking to experiment with new flavors and don’t want to rely on bottled steak sauce, you can customize your own marinade with the flavors you love.

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Topics: Cooking Tips

Treats to Roast Over an Open Fire (Upscale S’mores and Much More)

Posted by Michael Dougherty on Jan 18, 2018 12:04:39 PM

If you plan to entertain around the warmth of your fire pit this winter, why not let it do double duty and provide food as well?

If you’re tired of the same old hot-dog-and-s’mores routine, try one of these other tasty treats that you can roast over an open flame:

Campfire meals

If you have a wood fire pit, take this page from the camping handbook and make a tin foil meal.

Toss veggies, cubed potatoes, and a protein with spices/herbs, olive oil or butter, wrap it all up in foil (carefully folding and sealing the “seam” at the top), and let it roast in the hot coals of the fire. You’ll end up with a steamy hot meal that’s perfect for a chilly night.

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Topics: Cooking Tips, Fire Pits, Fire Tables, & Fireplaces